Long Term Repeat Prescriptions

GP practices have a new system for patients receiving long term repeat medication.

The new system involves prescriptions lasting 24, 48 or 56 weeks and will allow you to collect your medication every four or eight weeks directly from your pharmacy. This will mean you do not need to place an order for repeat prescriptions with the practice.


If you meet the following criteria it is possible you will get a long term prescription:

  • Registered with a general practice in Scotland
  • On one or more repeat medicine(s) which are taken on a regular basis
  • Attend if required for annual review and appropriate monitoring which can include blood tests or blood pressure

How does it work?

If you are suitable for this type of prescription, your medication will be put on a long term prescription (sometimes called a serial prescription), for collection every four or eight weeks. This will be approved annually at a review by your GP practice. Medication which is only needed occasionally will remain on your standard repeat prescription and will need to be ordered by you when you require it.

Please note: not all drugs can be put on a long term prescription

Your pharmacist will ask you to sign a consent form if you have not already done so. You can choose not to participate, but your prescription will become a standard prescription and you must continue to request it yourself from the practice.

The community pharmacist will also ask you a few questions in relation to your medication when you begin this service. This will ensure you are getting the best from your medicines and ensure side effects are minimised.


To organise your long term prescription please let the reception staff know and they will advise the GP that you wish to be considered for this. You can also speak to your community pharmacy who will contact the practice on your behalf.

  • Remember!

  • Help reduce waste – please inform your community pharmacy or GP practice if there are medications on your repeat prescription that you no longer take

  • Always check your medication at the pharmacy before you leave and make sure you are not collecting medication that you no longer need or that you have an excess of at home

  • Ask the pharmacist when collecting your medication if you have any questions

Posted: 11 March 2019